
Stewart is an author and screenplay writer, but he also loves copywriting, such as advertising copy or even tweets. Decades of editing and proofreading experience.

Stewart is for you if…

  • you want friendly, easy copy

  • you want no-nonsense copy

  • you have a strong sense of humor and want your copy to show it

  • you need someone who can tell a story, make you cry, make you laugh

  • you need an editor who can guarantee the quality of your copy

These are some reviews of his book, “Tales From Estonia”, available on Amazon.

“Sprinkled in with experiential philosophy, life, love, and heartache
this book has depth. Jokes about cultural differences, language, and life fill the pages. I would read other works by Stewart Johnson.”

“Fantastic, hilarious book about an American in Estonia. Highly recommend!”

“Great read! Such an interesting book with a positive outlook. Wow!”